Changing Mental Gears

Happy Saturday and wake the hell up, freedom seekers. If you’ve been following along, you’ve learned about the “Consider Bigger Changes” and why they’re crucial to your journey. But here’s the raw truth that most people aren’t ready to hear: knowing what to do isn’t worth shit if you can’t make the mental shift necessary to actually do it.

Let’s get one thing straight – the reason most people fail in their quest for freedom isn’t because they’re lazy. No, it’s because they’re still trapped in a mental prison of their own making, shackled by the belief that they have to keep doing things the way they’ve always done them. They’re trying to build a new life while clinging desperately to the remnants of their old one, and it’s a recipe for failure.

Here’s the brutal reality: you can’t half-ass your way to freedom. You can’t treat your transformation as a cute little side project that you tinker with in your spare time. That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works.

Think back to our letter on “Persist, Grind, Triumph?” when we talked about taking command of your life? Well, this is where the rubber meets the fucking road. It’s time to stop playing at freedom and start living it.

The wage slave mentality is a cancer that will eat away at your dreams if you let it. It’s the voice in your head that says, “I’ll work on my business after I finish my 9-to-5.” It’s the belief that you can build a new life in the cracks and crevices of your old one. And it’s bullshit.

If you’re serious about freedom – and I mean really fucking serious – then you need to treat your transformation like it’s your full-time job. Because guess what? It is. In fact, it’s more than a job. It’s your life’s mission, your reason for being, your ticket out of the soul-crushing grind of mediocrity.

Remember in “Preparing for Freedom” when we talked about eliminating debt, creating a break away fund, and learning new skills? That shit takes time. It takes effort. It takes relentless, unwavering focus. And you’re not going to get there by treating it like a hobby.

 Here’s the truth that most people can’t handle: if you can’t pursue your freedom during working hours, then you better be prepared to grind for 40+ hours in your “down time.” That means sacrificing sleep, social events, and mindless entertainment. It means turning every free moment into an opportunity for growth and progress.

Is it easy? Fuck no. Is it comfortable? Not even close. But you know what else isn’t comfortable? Spending the rest of your life as a wage slave, watching your dreams wither and die while you toil away in a cubicle farm.

The good news? This intense grind isn’t forever. The more effort you put in up front, the easier it gets moving forward. It’s like pushing a boulder up a hill. At first, it feels impossible. Every inch of progress is a battle. But once you reach the peak, that same boulder will roll effortlessly down the other side, gathering momentum as it goes.

This is where the real mental shift happens. You need to stop seeing your freedom journey as something you do in addition to your regular life. It needs to become your life. Every decision, every action, every thought should be filtered through the lens of “Does this bring me closer to freedom or push me further away?”

It means saying no to things that don’t serve your ultimate goal. It means being willing to disappoint people who don’t understand your vision. It means embracing discomfort and uncertainty as signs that you’re on the right path.

We have talked about being the commanding presence in your own life? This is where that mindset becomes critical. You need to be the general of your own personal army, strategizing, planning, and executing with military precision.

Your mind will try to trick you. It will come up with a thousand reasons why you should slow down, take it easy, or give up altogether. This is where discipline becomes your best friend. As we discussed in previous letters, discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. It’s what keeps you moving forward when motivation fails and the path ahead seems impossible.

Here’s an inconvenient truth: your current mental patterns are the result of years, maybe decades, of conditioning. They’re deeply ingrained, comfortable, and familiar. Breaking free from them is going to feel like ripping off a part of yourself. It’s going to be painful, disorienting, and at times, terrifying.

But you know what’s more terrifying? The thought of looking back on your life in 20, 30, 40 years and realizing that you never had the guts to truly live. The thought of dying with your music still inside you, your potential unrealized, your dreams unfulfilled.

So how do you make this mental shift? It starts with ruthless self-honesty. Look at your life right now. Are you really giving your all to your freedom journey, or are you still playing it safe? Are you making excuses, telling yourself that you’ll start “someday” when conditions are perfect?

News flash: Someday is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you. The perfect time is now. The perfect place is here. The perfect person to do it is you.

Start by auditing your time. Every minute of every day should be accounted for. If you’re not working, sleeping, or taking care of essential needs, you should be working on your freedom. Period. I’ve been working seven days a week for almost a year straight. Hell yes I’m tired. Absolutely I experience a bit of burn out here and there. I keep grinding because this is what I want to do.

Next, start challenging your assumptions. Every time you catch yourself thinking “I can’t” or “That’s not possible,” stop and ask yourself “Why not?” Most of the limitations we face are self-imposed, the result of outdated beliefs and fear-based thinking.

Finally, surround yourself with reminders of your goal. Vision boards, affirmations, daily rituals – use whatever tools work for you to keep your freedom front and center in your mind. Make it impossible to forget, even for a moment, what you’re working towards.

Remember, changing your mental gears isn’t a one-time event. It’s an ongoing process, a daily commitment to think and act in alignment with your highest aspirations. There will be setbacks. There will be days when the old patterns try to reassert themselves. But each time you choose freedom over comfort, each time you push through resistance, you’re rewiring your brain for success.

The path to freedom isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s not for those who are content with mediocrity or afraid of hard work. It’s for the bold, the brave, the ones who are willing to bet everything on themselves.

Are you ready to change your mental gears? Are you prepared to leave behind the wage slave mentality and embrace the mindset of a freedom fighter? Because if you are, there’s a whole world of possibility waiting for you on the other side of this mental shift.

The choice is yours. You can stay stuck in your comfortable prison, or you can break free and create the life you’ve always dreamed of. What’s it going to be?

Your mind is the key to your freedom. It’s time to use it.