Consider Bigger Changes

Freedom-hungry warriors, let’s keep moving your freedom needle higher! You’ve been grinding, hustling, and building your own empire, ready to break free from the soul-crushing rat race. But here’s the cold, hard truth: setting up your own business is just the beginning. It’s the entry ticket to the freedom game, not the finish line. If you want to experience true, unadulterated freedom – the kind that makes your soul sing and your spirit soar – you need to dig deeper and go further than most people are willing to go.

Today, we’re going to talk about three crucial considerations you need to take on your journey to ultimate freedom. These aren’t your typical self-help bullshit tips. These are the raw, unfiltered truths that most “gurus” are too afraid to tell you. So strap in, open your mind, and get ready to confront some uncomfortable realities about what it really takes to live a life of true freedom.

Consideration 1: Are You in the Right Place?

Let’s start with the foundation – your physical location. Are you in the right country, state, town, and environment for what truly makes you happy? This isn’t just about pretty scenery or good weather. It’s about aligning your surroundings with your deepest values and aspirations.

Think about it. How can you claim to be free if you’re living in a place that stifles your creativity, crushes your spirit, or goes against everything you believe in? Maybe you’re a free spirit trapped in a conservative small town that views your lifestyle as a threat. Or perhaps you’re an entrepreneur suffocating under the weight of oppressive regulations and sky-high taxes that make it nearly impossible to thrive.

Your environment can either enhance or detract from your freedom experience in ways you might not even realize. A place with like-minded individuals can provide a support network and opportunities for growth. The right political climate can give you the autonomy to live life on your own terms. Access to nature, culture, or whatever feeds your soul can make the difference between merely existing and truly living.

But here’s the kicker – making this assessment requires brutal honesty with yourself. Are you staying in your current location out of genuine preference, or is it just comfortable familiarity? Are you letting fear of the unknown keep you tethered to a place that’s slowly killing your spirit?

Remember, true freedom often requires bold moves. If your current location is holding you back, have the courage to uproot yourself and find a place that aligns with your vision of freedom. It might be scary, it might be challenging, but the alternative is a life of quiet desperation, always wondering “what if?”

Do the research for what you want to do, and what place is going to treat you best for your future. 

Consideration 2: Do You Have the Right People Around You?

Now, let’s talk about your tribe – the people you surround yourself with. And I’m not just talking about your drinking buddies or colleagues. I’m talking about your inner circle – family, close friends, and intimate partners. Have you chosen them wisely, or are you clinging to relationships that are slowly poisoning your freedom dreams?

Here’s a hard truth that most people aren’t willing to face: not everyone in your life deserves to stay there. Some relationships are toxic, draining, or simply incompatible with the free life you’re trying to create. Maybe it’s the family members who constantly belittle your ambitions, the friends who try to drag you back into old, destructive habits, or the partner who’s more interested in security than adventure.

These people can be dream-killers, freedom-sappers, and motivation-destroyers. They can hold you back with their fear, negativity, or simple inability to understand your vision. And let’s be real – it’s damn near impossible to soar like an eagle when you’re surrounded by chirping parakeets.

On the flip side, the right people can supercharge your freedom journey. They can challenge you to grow, support you when times get tough, and inspire you to reach for even greater heights. They’re the ones who believe in your crazy dreams, who push you to take risks, and who have your back when you stumble.

But here’s the catch – curating your inner circle isn’t easy. It often means making tough decisions, setting boundaries, and sometimes cutting ties with people you care about. It means being selective about who you let into your life and having the courage to walk away from relationships that no longer serve you.

Remember, you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Choose wisely, because these people will either fuel your freedom or extinguish it.

Consideration 3: Do You Have the Skills Necessary to Survive?

Now, let’s get down to the basics of human evolution and survival – the practical skills that can make or break your freedom experience. I’m not talking about your ability to code or close deals. I’m talking about fundamental survival skills that can give you true independence.

Can you build a shelter with your own two hands? Do you know how to grow your own food? Can you generate your own power? These might sound like skills for doomsday preppers, but they’re essential for anyone serious about living a truly free life.

Think about it. How free are you really if you’re completely dependent on others for your basic needs? If a natural disaster strikes or the power grid goes down, will you be self-sufficient or scrambling like everyone else? True freedom means having the ability to take care of yourself and your loved ones, no matter what life throws at you.

Learning to build structures isn’t just about having a roof over your head. It’s about the confidence and self-reliance that comes from creating something tangible with your own hands. It’s about knowing that you can make a home anywhere, anytime.

Growing your own food isn’t just about saving money at the grocery store. It’s about freeing yourself from the industrial food system, knowing exactly what’s going into your body, and connecting with the rhythms of nature in a way that most people have forgotten.

And generating your own power? That’s about true energy independence. It’s about freeing yourself from the grip of utility companies and having the ability to live comfortably off the grid if you choose.

These skills aren’t just practical – they’re transformative. They change the way you see yourself and your place in the world. They give you a level of confidence and self-reliance that most people can’t even imagine.

But here’s the rub – acquiring these skills takes time, effort, and a willingness to get your hands dirty. It means stepping out of your comfort zone, making mistakes, and persevering even when things get tough. It means prioritizing long-term self-sufficiency over short-term convenience.

The path to true freedom isn’t easy. It’s not for the faint of heart or those looking for quick fixes. It requires courage, commitment, and a willingness to go against the grain of society. It means making tough choices, facing your fears, and constantly pushing yourself to grow and evolve.

But for those who are willing to do the work, the rewards are beyond measure. Imagine waking up each day knowing that you’re exactly where you want to be, surrounded by people who uplift and inspire you, with the skills and confidence to handle whatever life throws your way. That, my friends, is true freedom.

So ask yourself – Are you willing to critically examine your environment, carefully curate your relationships, and acquire the skills that will set you truly free? Or will you continue to play it safe, settling for a watered-down version of freedom that leaves you feeling hollow and unfulfilled?

The choice is yours. But remember this – a life of true freedom is waiting for those brave enough to seize it. Don’t let fear, complacency, or the opinions of others hold you back. Take these considerations into the scope of what you are looking to accomplish and watch as your world transforms before your eyes.